
USAnians believe constitution is communist
At least the 35% percent who believe the phrase “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” is in it...
This is illegal in Denmark
In a tremendously stupid verdict, Danish courts have ruled socalled 'deep linking illegal. To read about this story in Danish, go to Computerworld Denmark and you'll find it there, somewhere.


Me Frodo, you Jane
Aidan Hartley makes the point that if apes should have 'rights' they should also be punished for killing human children.
The Blogger International (Hyper Text Marxist-Leninists)?
Nice plug from Martin Wisse, who's got a blog far superior to mine. It seems he's setting up a socialist blogger international all by himself... Now that's something for the Leftist Trainspotters list...
He could add
Bjarke på nett
Alister Black
as well.


Man wearing 'Fugitive' t-shirt arrested
This means I'll have to ditch several of my own t-shirts, I guess. 'Public Enemy', 'Millions of dead cops' etc.


Palestinian bomb cat picture shocks civilised world
Has it come to this?
Big noises at odds over the sound of silence
This is one of the funniest battles over copyright/plagiarism I've ever seen!

"Mike Batt, the man behind the Wombles and Vanessa Mae, has put a silent 60-second track on the album of his latest classical chart-topping protégés, the Planets. This has enraged representatives of the avant-garde, experimentalist composer John Cage, who died in 1992. The silence on his group's album clearly sounds uncannily like 4'33", the silence composed by Cage in his prime.

Batt said last night: "I've received a letter on behalf of John Cage's music publishers. I was in hysterics when I read their letter."

"[...] my silence is original silence, not a quotation from his silence."