
...lurt på og er glad for at nokon kan forklara meg

Placebo-effekten er spanande: kvifor vert nokon friskare av å eta sukkerpiller? Bloggen Science Based Medicine har eit innlegg om Placebo, og eg tykkjer i alle fall eg forstår meir enn før.

It has also been clearly demonstrated that subjects who are being
studied in a clinical trial objectively do better. This is because they
are in a clinical trial – they are paying closer attention to their
overall health, they are likely taking better care of themselves due to
the constant reminder of their health and habits provided by the study
visits and attention they are getting, they are being examined on a
regular basis by a physician, and their overall compliance with
treatment is likely to be higher. So basically, subjects in a trial
take better care of themselves and get more medical attention than
people not in trials. If for those not in a clinical trial, if they
decide to do something about their health by starting a new treatment,
they are likely to engage in more healthful behavior in other ways.

Dette kan jo forresten seia oss noko om eit visst forsøk i Oslo dei siste tre åra...

Mannen bakom Science Based Medicine er også redaktøren for ein av mine favoritt-podkastar, the Skeptics' Guide to The Universe.

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